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Remote Truck 0.0
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Remote Truck is a distributed production application to be used alongside Production Truck, the BlueFrame production and live streaming software. Managing the production of ...展开


Features: * Major UI overhaul. Theme throughout application updated. * Overlays ** Overlay Control Panel has been added as a new a tab and can be edited outside of the streaming camera. ** Scorebird setup has been moved inside of overlays. ** Overlay editing has been updated for a better user experience. * Streaming ** Users will be taken directly to streaming camera instead of broadcast select. Broadcast selection has been added to streaming camera. ** Users can now edit overlay during a live broadcast. ** Added tab buttons to scoreboard and ad trays within the streaming camera. ** Updated verbiage of the network test. * Broadcast Display ** Users can go to the streaming camera directly from the Broadcast tab. ** Users can edit broadcast from the Broadcast tab. ** Users can delete broadcasts from the Broadcast tab. Bug Fixes * iOS 12 devices now use symbols for buttons if available. * Removed bad informational text.


大小:28.9M 更新:2020-10-28 版本:版本 ... 类别:摄影与录像 平台:系统要求:iOS 12.0 或更高版本 来自:itunes