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CopyIt The Grid Drawing Method 0.0
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First released in June 2010, CopyIt is the original and most feature rich grid drawing app available anywhere! See why so many artists, teachers and students are using CopyIt...展开


- You can now also load a photo from Files or from Photos. - You can now save projects using your own project names. - You can rename existing projects. - You can sort your projects by name or modified date. - To help avoid loading the wrong project, loading a project now requires you to tap the project"s LOAD button. - To make it less frustrating to delete a project but still provide a failsafe, deleting a project now only requires one tap instead of two on the DELETE button, but you are asked to confirm the deletion. - Bug fixes.


大小:4.9M 更新:2024-05-05 版本:版本 ... 类别:效率 平台:系统要求:iOS 11.0 或更高版本 来自:itunes